Services & Events

Services & Events

Sunday Services start at 11:00 and are either:

  • Choral Matins
  • Choral Eucharist
  • Service of the Word

Events and special services are held throughout the year - Battle of Britain, Remembrance, Easter Services and carol concerts are very popular.

The church is a unique venue to host corporate and charity events. To discuss your requirements please contact the Development Office at

To see what’s on view our events calendar below.

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Our regular Sunday worship is either Book of Common Prayer (BCP) for Choral Matins or Common Worship (CW) for Choral Eucharist and a Service of the Word. Our services last approximately an hour and start at 11.00.

Our award winning professional choir is a very special focus during our services.

As St Clement Danes is the Central Church of the Royal Air Force, the RAF's family church, we have many 'special' services with an Air Force theme. On such special occasions RAF Music Services play too.

Everyone is welcome at St Clement Danes, the Central Church of the RAF. To see what’s on view our events calendar below.

The Resident Chaplain, Reverend Mark Perry.

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David Osborn


Music is important to St Clement Danes Church. World renowned Musical Director Simon Over has developed a world class choir and concert programme at St Clement Danes Church.

Many organisations use St Clement Danes church for concerts and rehearsals due to its excellent acoustics including: The Royal Opera House, The Parliamentary Choir, Sinfonia Tamesa and many more.

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